Thursday, September 9, 2010

Death to the Suitcase

Things have really picked up in the last few days. After dragging our stinkin’ luggage over cobble stones, avoiding mopeds, around horse poop, in 100 degree weather, and down twisty rando roads--whose names don’t even make it on the map-- we finally arrived at our hotel. But worth the pain, man, worth the pain. It was a 4-star hotel, or so I heard, that had a delicious pool, AIR CONDITIONING, beautiful rooms and a feast for every meal. I’m sure the food was particularly fantastic because I hadn’t eaten much for the 3 days before because the heat initially killed my appetite. After that first hotel thanksgiving-style indulgence, I commented, “mmmmm, I have a food baby...” If you could only have seen our Spanish guide’s face!!! Pretty sure Miguel almost of fell out of his chair from shock... HAHAHA. I’m betting the saying “food baby” isn’t such a common thing to say in Spanish... Poor guy! He had to put up with Molly’s and my shenanigans for 3 days herding us and 8 other American girls around. He was really great though, always counting his little duckies (us) and worrying like a mama bear :)

I should tell you about Molly. Two word summation: She rocks. My roomie at the hotel, we hit it off right away, giggling and trying not to snort at dinner when all the other girls were mute. We have a lot in common, making it a priority to only speak Spanish, even if others are speaking in English.

More on people, I met my Spanish mom yesterday. Marta is wonderful, wonderful and I’m sure that I'll love being here. She is super energetic, funny, and cute. Also, she’s really into healthy food for which I can’t express my immense gratitude. I haven’t met her 12 yr old son Luis Jose yet, but will on Monday. I’m so lucky! I’ve been with 3 amazing host familie, gracias a Dios.

And yes, I finally unpacked my suitcase. I don’t think I ever been so excited to do that in my life. In the past five weeks I repacked my bag an unbelievable amount. In that time, I've been at my parent's, my brother’s, my aunt’s, my sister’s house, 2 hotels, 4 different friends’ houses, a hostel and here, finally. Oof-duh. Literally living out of a suitcase? I think SO!!

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